Motions of Mind 心靈的動作

Posted April 4, 2022


Amida [Sanskrit: Amitabha] Manifesting in the Dharma-body of Expedient Means. 


18th century

Curatorial Record

The rays of light symbolize the forty-eight vows made by Amida (a bodhisattva functiong to help others attain enlightenment).




th engines uv denial

like th rite wing n its armeez uv arms n pundits
n confusd convoys they nevr sleep alwayze
plotting continualee msundrstanding th rites uv self
theyr self ovr othrs not with othrs ther is no
hierarkikul punishing class system   they will also say

yu ar my jet pilot yu ar th akrobat among stars
dansing from planet 2 planet joining n enhansing
touching all th splendid string s uv our lives  th stars

sew manee peopul cannot beleev in publik health
its out th window 4 them ther is onlee theyr health
theyv bin taut ths way uv thinking n thats led 2 narcissism
an almost incurabul soshul dsees a gud frend soshul
workr frend uv mine sd basik incum 4 evreewun wud 
eliminate th need 4 soshul workrs n he was serious
th world will alwayze need soshul workrs i reassurd him
n now we ar lessning restriksyuns re covid n we ar
going 2 as they say live with covid evn tho sum peopul
will go 2 spirit from it n th hospitals will b stretchd way
byond theyr limits   n th amount uv homeless will grow

manee peopul cant live with th safeguards they cant
b reklewsiv isolatid concernd abt th safetee uv othrs
they cant dew it i thot we cud all dew much bettr but
not evreewun has bin sick a lot hospitalizd freqwentlee 
n sew on n c th whol communitee membrs in all our
diversitee as equalee deserving n valuabul n wher
is home in all ths 4 them n th needid intraksyuns it is

sew hard n challenging 2 live without

i c yu planting a tree a meditaysyun tree a prayr
tree as our specees goes abt making decisyuns that
dont work  sum that dew  as we aneeway dew in all our
lives  th authoritee is our health  n sharing gladness
n we will n can keep on keepin on  like th goldn sun







Motions of Mind 心靈的動作

Posted March 26, 2022


” . . . “Cherry Blossoms — Tokyo — 25 March 2022 . . .”.



Scene from Ths Illustrated Sutra of Past and Present Karma (Matsunaga Version)

late 13th century 


Curatorial Record

This illuminated Sutra tells the story of the historical Buddha’s good deeds in his past lives and the path of his spiritual enlightenment from prince to bodhisattva and finally to Buddhahood.

This detached section from a longer hand scroll, based on earlier Chinese models, illustrates the temptation of the prince by the demon king Mara and his army as they try to distract him from his meditation. Two of Mara’s sisters appear bearing skulls and weapon-wielding  demonic figures converge on the prince.

The supernatural power of the prince, however, repells all threats. Huge boulders to be cast at him will not move;  flying arrows are arrested in midair; lightning, rain, and fire are transformed into blossoming flowers; the poisonous breath of dragons becomes a fragrant breeze. 


Vladimir Putin


If any questiom should remain open, it’s culture.


Colin Ward


Anarchy is a function, not of a society’s simplicity and lack of social organisation, but its complexity and multiplicity of organisations.

The anarchist alternative [to the governmental model] is that of fragmentation, fission rather than fusion, diversity rather than unity, mass of societies rather than a mass society.

Vladimir Mayakovsky


Art must not be concentrated in dead shrines called museums. It must be spread everywhere…




The Historical Buddha Preaching” a section from The Illustrated Sutra of Past and Present Karma

mid-8th century


Unidentified artist

The sutra to which this section of text and images once belonged narrates the life of the historical Buddha, known in Japanese as Shaka and in Sanskrit as Shakyamuni. Here the Buddha has already achieved enlightenment, demonstrated by the halo (mandorla) framing his head. He is preaching a message to King Bimbisara (558–491 BCE), who became emperor of the Maghada Empire, in northern India, and an ardent supporter of Buddhism.



bill bissett



Simone de Beauvoir 


People are free . . . but only in so far as they themselves are concerned; we can neither touch, foresee, nor insist on them using their liberty.  

Dino Buzzati

(d. 1972)

[Conformism] is a tremendous force, more powerful than the atomic bomb.






” . . . NO ONE THIING‘ . . . Nitobe Memorial Garden . . .”. Photo: M. Cynog Evans.

Joseph Beuys


We must probe (theory of knowledge) the moment of origin of free individual productive potency (creativity).  

.  .  .

EVERY HUMAN BEING IS AN ARTIST – who – from  his state of freedom – the position of freedom that he experiences at first hand – learns to determine the other positions in the TOTAL ARTWORK OF THE FUTURE SOCIAL ORDER!





Motions of Mind 心靈的動作

Posted March 19, 2022




Comparing hand measurement from a contemporary child and a hand painting from a prehistoric Spanish cave.


A Study of Prehistoric Painting Has Come to a Startling Conclusion: Many Ancient Artists Were Tiny Children 

Researchers also believe that the painted handprints contain coded signals 

● Sarah Cascade, Arnett News, 14 March 2022 

New research is shaking up our image of art making in Paleolithic times, arguing that children or even toddlers may have been behind some of the world’s earliest known art. The findings suggest that ancient rock painting was actually a family oriented group activity, not a solitary male pursuit.

For a study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science [Volume 140, April 2022], researchers from Cambridge University and Spain’s University of Cantabria examined 180 hand stencils painted in Spanish caves some 20,000 years ago. The study used 3-D models of hand paintings in Spain’s El Castillo, Maltravieso, Fuente de Salin; Fuente del Trucho, and La Gama caves, created by the Handpas Project.

These prehistoric images would have been made by blowing pigments through a hollow reed or bone onto hands placed against the cave wall — a process that would have made the outlines slightly larger than the hands themselves.

Accounting for that difference, the researchers found that upwards of 25 per cent of the hand marks were not large enough to belong to adults or teenagers. They guessed that they came from children between two and 12 years of age, with the majority of those likely made by three to 10-ten-year-olds.



Lao Tzu 

(sixth century BCE)

Something is formed in the chaos, which existed before heaven and earth.

It is quiet and profound.




(sixth century BCE)

What cannot be seen is called the invisible.

What cannot be heard is called the inaudible.



The manifestation of “this is” and “this is not” is the reason why the Dao [flow of the universe] is diminished.

Only when free of “this is” and “this is not” does the Dao remain whole.

— Guo Xiang (d. 312 CE)




Alfred North Whitehead


The savouring of the complexity of the universe can enter into satisfaction only through the dimension of width.

Sigried Giedion


Something must be changed. And this is the type of specialist. His activity has to be founded  on a wider field. There is no reason whatever to expect that the road which knowledge will follow will refrain  from even greater differentiation. And there is no contradiction in saying that at the same time an ever greater urge toward breadth of outlook must be developed ( . . . ) the mind of the coming specialist may be trained  so that he will be able to conceive ( . . . ) problems in relation to the whole.

Marshall McLuhan


Each of the senses makes its own space, but no sense can function in isolation. Only as sight relates the touch, or kinaesthesia, or sound, can the eye see.



Distant and Difficult



    By nature men are alike.

    Through practice they have

    become far apart.

    — Confucius 

With suspension points in place 

to protect the tone (as such) of a conversation that comes to be more 

than (merely) a ‘going’ gone ‘forgone’ 

. . . 

before being (further) brought into stillness … in ‘unforeseen’ or ‘not

noticed’ response to the ‘worthiness’ 

never worthy of any mere ‘avoidance’ 

a width not ‘wide’ in length but long 

remaining ‘far’ (far) ‘off’ can always

make going/going/gone ‘go’ (on and 

on) before appearing to be ‘just’ gone 





Motions of Mind 心靈的動作

Posted March 13, 2022


Wyndham Lewis (1948)

Once, “Western Man” was the object of my particular solicitude. He was ailing, in fact in decline – it was denied to me to foresee what would shortly befall, and I sought to heal and rehabilitate him. He was, of course, past help, and now is dead. He only breathed his last a short while ago; but to me he seems as far away as Cro-Magnon Man. I cannot regret him, I find, in the slightest degree. I feel no loyalty toward him. All my loyalties today are for a far more significant and imposing person, namely Cosmic (or “Cosmopolitan,” as they would have said last century). This man I have seen and talked with in America. So I know what he will be when his day comes and he is everywhere.


Bombing of Tokyo by the United States on the capital of Japan – March 9–10, 1945 

Often cited as the one of the most destructive acts of war in history, this firebombing raid was more destructive than the bombing of Dresden, Hiroshima, or Nagasaki. Although the precise death toll is unknown, conservative estimates suggest that the firestorm caused by incendiary bombs killed at least 80,000 people, and likely more than 100,000, in a single night; some one million people were left homeless. The Japanese later called this the “Night of the Black Snow.”



Mayank Aggarwai, Independent, January 2021

North Korea unveiled a new submarine- launched ballistic missile (SLBM) in a parade in Pyongyang that marked the end of a rare party congress.

. . . 

However . . . unlike the [military] parade in October 2020 . . . this one did not not feature North Korea’s largest intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that are believed to be capable of a nuclear strike anywhere in the U.S.



bill bissett 


ther was sumwun strange hovring around on th deck

 i was looking up at    he was peering in  strange wiree moovs
 long white hair  partlee bald  looking n  weeving in th kold wintr
    wind  i got up from my mac air  went 2 th window door  askd
 what ar yu looking 4   ium looking 4  thees peopul who want 2
  moov   well me i sd ium alredee moovd  i dont need mor mooving
   now  what wer theyr names    i didint reelee get theyr names he sd

   wher dew they live i askd   he sd they live at th back uv ths
    bldg thats what they told me   dew yu know wch apt i askd
     no he sd i didint get that eithr  thers anothr apt  ovr ther 
   on th lane   ok iul look he sd  n thers ths wun next door i sd
    me hopeing they wud moov  we all ar  they skreem at each
    othr sew much   theyr verbal violens sew deeplee upsetting
        4 evreewun who heers them   she yelling yu fukan asshole
     he skreeming look what yr dewing 2 me   yr killing me  
  whats yr name i askd  reg he sd   mines bill i sd  n he lookd
    like he knew   sew yr a moovr i askd  yes he sd   can yu moov
  us closr 2  spring    iul dew my best  he sd  wavring n weeving
  off thru th parking lot  n in2 th dstans   nevr looking at th othr
    apartment doors 

   what was he lookin at   was it alredee inside him  eeting him
     2 frends sd he was a ghost  he had gone 2 spirit months ago   n
      ths 200 yeer old building is defintlee hauntid   i wunderd whos
    a ghost  n or meerlee ghostlee  n whos not hauntid  sumtimes
       th memoreez we selekt 2 guide  us  drive  us  ar they free
    range  or carnivor  or what carnival  dew we want life 2 remind
            us  or renu us

    n speeking uv almost aneething wch is wch   as putin is drivn
      by out datid  ideaz  th worn out ideas uv kompleet oligarhik empire
        powr   a ghost in his own killing masheen   lets find out  if hes
       a ghost apparishyun   or not   thers at leest wun way 2 kno

          a toilet bowl set 2 xplode  whn putin sits on it   smellee but



It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation.

— Vladimir Putin (2013)

Anarchism is order, government is civil war.

— Anselme Bellegarrique (1850)




Herbert Marcuse


Does not the threat of an atomic catastrophe which could wipe out the human race also serve to protect the very forces which perpetuate this danger? The efforts to prevent such a catastrophe overshadow the search for the potential causes in contemporary industrial society.These causes remain unidentified, unexposed, unattached by the public, because they recede before the all too obvious threat from without—to the West from the East, to the East from the West. Equally, obvious is the need for being prepared, for living on the brink, for facing the challenge. We submit to the peaceful production of the means of destruction, to the perfection of waste, to bring educated for a defense which deforms the defenders and that which they defend.

If we attempt to relate the causes of the danger to the way in which society is organized and organizes its members, we are immediately confronted with the fact that advanced industrial society becomes richer, bigger, and better as it perpetuates the danger. The defense structure makes life easier for a greater number of people and extends man’s mastery of nature. Under these circumstances, our mass media have little difficulty in selling particular interests as those of all sensible men. The political needs of society become individual needs and aspirations, their satisfaction promotes business and the commonweal, and the whole appears to be the very embodiment of Reason.

And yet the society is irrational as a whole.





Motions of Mind 心靈的動作

Posted March 7, 2022


The dead bodies of civilians killed by Russian shelling lay covered in the street in the town of Irpin, Ukraine, Sunday, March 6, 2022. (AP Photo/Diego Herrera Carcedo) 


Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja). Indian (Tamil Nadu) – ca. 11th century. The Met Museum, New York.

As a prime symbol from the Hindu tradition, Shiva combines in a single image the roles of creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe.


Seven social sins: politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice.

— Mahatma Gandhi (1925) 

There is no one to talk to since Mahatma Gandhi died.

— Vladimir Putin (2007)



Even if you cannot see it, the whole universe is before your eyes.

— Seng-Ts’an (d. 606 CE), third Patriarch of Chan Buddhism




    sew  whn is smooth  sailing  yu ask  oh fervent

                 ths infernal  internal  e ternal   tempest
                                 sores  me  2  dstraksyun

                  th turbulens  uv us  all  riding  out
                                         on  th waves  2 wher

                 n is th destinaysyun  onlee  furthr out  2 c

                 thos  its pleysyurs  n dangrs   n nowher
                                                  reelee  landing
                4 longing  as hard  n willing  n allowing  th

                changing  winds  storms  n staree suspensful
                   lulls    as we agen  set loving   sail

                                     pull  n lift   anchor  without  know






Interactional Fields 互動領域

Posted February 28, 2022


Marshall McLuhan


The area of spatial communication is that of politics, business and power. Time is the sphere of language and knowledge. Equilibrium between these interests means social viability. Divorce between them is the breakdown of communication – the jamming of the social network.

Zhu Xi

(d. 1200 CE)

In all things allow spare ground. Having obtained the objective, don’t go further.




Aljazeera Media Network, 24 Feb 2022

Russia has launched an all-out invasion of Ukraine by land, air and sea, the biggest attack by one state against another in Europe since World War II and confirmation of the worst fears of the West.

The attacks began on Thursday after Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a television address that he had approved a “special military operation” to protect people, including Russian citizens who had been subject to “genocide” in Ukraine, an accusation the West has long described as absurd propaganda.






Nam June Paik, ‘But Then I Thought: Actually “Zen” Is Boring Too.’ Exhibition announcement card – with video image of the artist. ARC Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1972.

The deepest truth lies in the principle of identity. … The ignorant and the enlightened are of one essence – they are not really to be separated.

— Hui-k’o (d. 593 CE) … Second Patriarch of Zen Buddhism 


 Xi speaks to Putincalls for  ‘negotiation‘ with Ukraine

Al Jazeera News Agency, 25 Feb 2022

China’s President Xi Jinping (in a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin) said he supported solving the Ukraine crisis through talks, after Moscow launched an invasion of its neighbour.

Beijing has trod a cautious diplomatic line on the crisis and refused to call it an “invasion” or condemn the actions of Russia, its close ally.



Ukraine crisis to test Japan’s democratic principles 

Aljazeera News Network, Feb 25, 2022

Tokyo — For Japan with long-standing disputes over Russian-held Islands, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Thursday is an occasion testing the rule of law,  foreign policy experts say.

The situation surrounding Ukraine has a massive implication on the Indo-Pacific region; they say, adding that China’s military assertiveness, especially against Taiwan, would possibly further grow if Japan sets a bad precedent of showing a tolerance to altering the status quo by force.

Other than Taiwan … India is also presumably watching the situation in Ukraine as its own.

Relations between India and China have been strained, particularly since their troops clashed in a disputed Himalayan border area in June 2020 and Indian troops were killed by Chinese troops for the first time in about 45 years.



Cognitive Distortion 



     The only way to discuss
     the social evil is to get
     at once to the social ideal.

     — G.K. Chesterton

Flaunting the role of sudden
madness (a moving fantasy
designed for no purpose but
to amuse the eye at the back
of some deeply sullen pretext)

future sincerity of sentiment
(swept by a single shuddering
movement—when turned upside
down) remains unutterable in
the scattered (unmentionable)

concentration of mental faculties 
that functions to disassemble both
the self-styled ‘locus lucis’ of
hide-out (hideaway) imposture and
its fitful (if forgettable) simulations.



Anarchism, the great leaven of thought,  is today permeating every phase of human endeavor. Science, art, literature, the drama, the effort for economic betterment, in fact every individual and social opposition to the existing disorder of things is illumined by the spiritual light of Anarchism. It is the philosophy of the sovereignty of the individual. It is the theory of social harmony. It is the great, surging, living truth that is reconstructing the world and that will usher in the dawn.

— Emma Goldman (1910)




Li Yuan

Feb. 27, 2022

If President V. Putin is looking for international support, he can turn to the Chinese Internet.

Its supporters have called him “Putin the Great,” “the best legacy of the former Soviet Union” and “the greatest strategist of this century.” They have chastised Russians who protested against the War, saying they had been brainwashed by the United States.

. . . 

Mr. Putin’s portrayal of Russia as a victim of the West’s political, ideological and military aggression has resonated deeply, with many on social media. It dovetails with China’s rise and the alternative world order it could create.

For its part, the Chinese government, Russia’s most powerful partner, has been circumspect. Officials have declined to call Russia’s invasion an invasion, nor have they condemned it. But they have not endorsed it either.



25 May 2020

from Terence Russell, Senior Scholar,

Asian Studies Centre, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada

After reading Crawford Kilian’s article, “Canada and China: Can this Relationship Be Saved” (The Tyee online edition, May 21, 2020), I cannot but give a robust thumbs up to the author’s suggestion that we charge our “highly educated and very intelligent” foreign service personnel, a class with whom he apparently feels great intellectual symmetry, with the task of finding ways to “co-operate to build a world that’s in all our long-term interests” in conversation with their Chinese counterparts. However, when it comes to the principles that Mr. Kilian would have our diplomats follow as they walk down the road towards “stability and prosperity,” arm in arm with representatives of the Chinese CommunistParty, I find myself scratching my head.

Having dismissed both realpolitik and values diplomacy as the product of “bullshit artists,” he appears to plant the feet of his sharp-witted foreign service persona directly in the deepest manure by suggesting that the best way forward is to forget about the “scores of millions of

Chinese” who have died under Chinese Communist Party oppression, and “go easy on behaviour that pisses the other country’s public off.” In other words, there would be mutual agreement not to comment on certain areas of past history, or current events like the cultural genocide against Uyghur, Tibetan, and Mongolian peoples, or the systematical rounding up and imprisonment of dissidents. Apparently Mr. Kilian feels that if we are to work out a mutually beneficial bilateral relationship for the future, no good can come of dwelling on those “transient problems.” Such a line of argument strikes me as about as realpolitik as realpolitik gets. It is a line of thinking that runs exactly parallel to the realpolitik diplomacy that saw Stalin welcomed as an ally against the Nazis in the Second World War, diplomacy upon which Mr. Kilian piles scorn.

In the end, as Mr. Kilian leaves us waiting upon a Chinese response to the appeal for co-operation, we must consider what the end product of such co-operation would look like. What does “a China with Chinese characteristics, a Canada with Canadian characteristics…” imply? Unfortunately, it appears that in Mr. Kilian’s realpolitik world the future of China’s long-suffering masses is to be decided solely by the persistently brutal and oppressive Chinese Communist Party. Any values-based intervention by other nations would be abandoned in the name of creating a civilization in which we all enjoy stability and prosperity. In such a scenario, the Chinese Communist Party élite and their clients would most certainly continue to live the charmed, affluent lives to which they are accustomed. On the other hand, hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs would remain captive in the “thought-reform” gulag; thousands of human rights dissenters and members of disapproved religions would remain heavily surveilled, imprisoned, and subject to murder by vital organ harvesting; and the millions of migrant workers who produce the wealth that the upper classes rely upon would remain poor, exploited and politically voiceless. But perhaps for Canadians that is just none of our business. Life would be so much easier if it were not.





Interactional Fields 互動領域

Posted February 21, 2022









Climate servile, not a warble gloaming,

Curfew closing in. The weary landless ploughman roaming?

Unbecoming bald clear-cut landscapes he’ll be combing,

Residue of oil-spill too slick for foaming,

The latest carbon-footprint spats stats plod to toming.

A lone computer commuter pigeon homing.

Dark unfathomable caves of ocean–

Impact-assessment slouched, never getting sedimental overdue,

With The World Bank’s intensively cost-effective bien-entendu

Back-deck barbeque micro-chop potion,

Mac the knife’s offshore beard-wax and Polly’s lotion

Silt up. Now it’s over to you. 

Unable to attain abstainability,

Determined to meet our growth targets,

We argue, despite our insatiable appetite for markets,

For mirage-proof sustainabilty,

But take heart: there’s plenty space apace still for asphalt.

Guess who are–with destiny a rendezvous

A franchise-niche Intent to pursue–

Spread-sheets headed to misconstrue.

Take: a fake yet so tiding-overably plausible environmentalist, 

Demanding of nothing  big-time in particular a halt,

Who figures as one of nature’s climate-stalled phoneys

(Never met a cooked-books technology-solution he didn’t exalt);

While an average, hedging data-averaging meteorologist–  

Juggling ranges, never met a mist he dismissed,

Indefinitely incorrigibly, a four seasonable probability-theorist–

Can, without that much of an actual-aerial twist,

Be numbered among Runyon’s* pari-mutuel cronies; 

And surely, always ready to exalt the largest vault

(He never met an upscale time-tease he didn’t extend you.)

Any economist worth his no-fault gestalt 

Has a deniability system when he plays the ponies.

When if, careful Zurich not to be out-gastro-gnoming,

Revenue far from neutral, those three open their retinue 

Eking out lives not even worth metronoming–

Call them microwaving macaronis–

A fast-food venue guaranteeing your lazy bones ease,

Pride of place on the menu’s

certainly ice-cap-thawed baloney’s.

When not sheer astrological, astronomical their cuisine.

In the yellow pages: Chez Spratt, their palates lick their planets clean,

Leave mainly space-station cast-offs, rocket debris to glean.

For damage control on stardust fat they lean,

Proclaim the market’s shooting stars serene.

Although not too certain about their pies and fries,

The Food and Drug Admin certifiably denies

That whatever these guys offer as cheap buys 

For global hangover, their offshore outsize tangerine

Gives off a loose change whiff of plasticine.

*  The first-ever telethon was hosted by Milton Berle in 1949 to raise funds for the Damon Runyan Cancer Research Foundation.






Survival cannot be trusted to natural response or natural instinct since the brain stem is not provided with any means of responding to the man-made environment.

The artist’s insights or perceptions seem to have been given to mankind as a providential means of bridging the gap between evolution and technology.

— Marshall McLuhan (1979)


When leaves fall from the trees, old men grieve.

— Huai-nan Tzu (d  122 BCE)






” … ‘Field’ …”. Photo: M. Cynog Evans

The problem inherent in the surface of things, and only the surface of things, is the heart of things.

— Leo Strauss (1958)

Submit to nature, return to nature. 

— Matsuo Basho (d. 1694)


I wish all to know that I do not propose to sell any part of my country, nor will I have the whites cutting the timber along the rivers, more especially the oak. I am particularly fond of the little groves of oak trees. I love to look at them, because they endure the wintry storm and the summer’s heat, and — not unlike ourselves — seem to flourish by them.

— Tanaka Yotanka [Sitting Bull … Sioux Nation warrior], d.1890




Curatorial Record:

Bill Reid, Dog Salmon, silkscreen print  from THE SALMON – CANADA’s PLEA FOR A THREATENED SPECIES . . . five portfolios designed by Robert R. Reid for presentation at the 1974 United Nations Law of the Sea Conference, Caracas, Venezuela. [Commission: Environment Canada, Fisheries and Marine Service, Ottawa.]

Art is a genuinely human medium for revolutionary change in the sense of completing the transformation from a sick world to a healthy one. In my opinion only art is capable of doing it.

— Joseph Beuys (1982)


Xuu.jii (Grizzly Bear) — $2 Commenorative circulation coin [adaptation of a design by Bill Reid]. Royal Canadian Mint, 2020.

A culture will be remembered for its warriors, artists, heroes and heroines of all callings, but in order to survive it needs survivors.

— ILLJUWAS * (Bill Reid • 1920 – 1998)

* William Ronald Reid (Q’adasru quiirawaay Raven Clan of T’annu) was born in Victoria, British Columbia. HIs mother, Sophie Gladstone, was from the Kaadas gaah Kiguwaay; Raven-Wolf Clan of T’annu (Haida linguistic territory/Haida Gwaii — known from 1870 until 2010 as the Queen Charlotte Islands). His father was an American of Scottish-German descent.

The Haida observe a matrilineal lineage. Bill Reid received his Haida name — meaning Princely One — in 1954. 


Memo to CAUSA


Re: Bill Reid 

Mutual respect for each other’s creative abilities drew us together over a lifetime of working together.

[ 16 November 2018  ]


Joseph Beuys


CAPITAL is at present the work sustaining ability. Money is not an economic value though. The two genuine values involve the connection between ability (creativity) and product. That explains the formula presenting the expanded concept of art: ART=CAPITAL.

Thomas Piketty


The inescapable reality is this: wealth is so concentrated that a large segment of society is virtually unaware of its existence, so that some people imagine that it belongs to surreal or mysterious entities. That is why it is so essential to study capital and its distribution in a methodical way.





Interactional Fields 互動領域

Posted February 14, 2022




Wind will not cease, even if trees want to rest.

— Mao Zedong (1966)



Dec. 29, 2021, 5:02 AM PST

By Reuters

BEIJING — China will take “drastic measures” if Taiwan makes moves towards [declaring] independence, a Beijing official warned on Wednesday, adding that Taiwan’s provocations and outside meddling could intensify next year.

China claims democratically governed Taiwan as its own territory and in the past two years has stepped up military and diplomatic pressure to assert its sovereignty claim, fueling anger in Taipei and concern in Washington.

Beijing has sent repeated air missions over the Taiwan Strait in recent months to pressure Taiwan [which] has said it will not give in to threats.

The defeated Republic of China government fled to Taiwan in 1949* after losing a civil war with the Communists, who established the People’s Republic of China.

CAUSA Editor’sNote

Taiwan has a long history of colonial rule. It had primarily been the domain of Austronesian Indigenous peoples until the Dutch established a trading outpost there in 1624. In 1662 the Dutch were driven out by forces led by the warlord/pirate Koxinga (Zheng Chenggong) who was loyal to the recently fallen Chinese Ming dynasty. After Koxinga’s descendants surrendered to the Manchu empire in 1683, the island became part of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty. The Manchus maintained control of the lowland areas of the island (the mountainous regions remained under Indigenous control) until it was ceded to Japan as part of reparations for the Sino-Japanese War in 1895. At the end of World War II, the armies of the Republic of China were directed by Allied command to accept the Japanese surrender of Taiwan, and when the Chinese Communist Party forced the Republicans, led by Chiang Kai-shek, out of mainland China, Chiang established a government in exile on the island. By the 1980s it was obvious that the Republicans would never return to govern China. As the result of considerable internal and external pressure, they gradually relinquished their power to allow the institutions of democratic governance to replace their authoritarian rule. Taiwan is now considered to the most “free” and democratic nation in Asia.)


Chen Hongshu, Landscape (Chinamid-17th century). Folding fan mounted as an album leaf: ink and colour on gold paper.

Curatorial Record: 

Two gentlemen sit in a waterside pavilion. One has a stack of books by his side; the other holds a fan as they converse.  Attendants come and go with wine or tea and a zither (qin), the musical instrument considered most appropriate for use by scholar amateurs. Although the landscape beyond shows a broad river bounded by distant hills, the scene strongly evokes the atmosphere of a garden, in which strategically placed pavilions served as stage sets for elegant gatherings.

Painting, if it is to be independent of all that is not painting, inevitably reveals the inmost being of the man whose hand and brain drive the brush.

— Georges Bataille (1955)

Earnestly avoid seeking without, lest it recede from you.

— Ch’an master Dongshan Lianjie (d. 869 CE)





sew  whn is smooth  sailing  yu ask  oh fervent 

bill bisset


               sew  whn is smooth  sailing  yu ask  oh fervent

                  ths infernal  internal  e ternal   tempest
                                  sores  me  2  dstraksyun

                   th turbulens  uv us  all  riding  out
                                          on  th waves  2 wher

                  n is th destinaysyun  onlee  furthr out  2 c

                  thos  its pleysyurs  n dangrs   n nowher
                                                   reelee  landing
                 4 longing  as hard  n willing  n allowing  th

                 changing  winds  storms  n staree suspensful
                    lulls    as we agen  set loving   sail

                                      pull  n lift   anchor  without  know






Goals and Methods 目標和方法

Posted February 7, 2022



Winter Olympics / Uighur ‘genocide’

Aljazeera Media Network 

2 Feb 2022

After he was arrested at the age of 20 in China’s Xinjiang and eventually escaped to Turkey in 2005, all Kuzzai Allay wanted was to live in peace in the United States, where he finally ended up in 2008.    

But the Uighur refugee’s longing for a different life in his adopted homeland was disrupted in 2018 when he learned that his father had been taken by Chinese authorities from their home in Urumqi; Xinjiang’s capital.   

“He disappeared for two years; I thought he was murdered in the camp,” Allay told Al Jazeera after his father was detained in one of a network of camps where the United Nations says at least a million Muslim Uighurs are believed to have been held against their will by authorities since 2017.

Since then, Allay has become one of the diaspora’s most remarkable Uighur human rights activists and leaders, speaking out on China’s alleged repression of Xinjiang’s Turkic-speaking minority as president of the Uyghur American Association. 


Amnesty International, which last week described the situation in Xinjiang as a “dystopian hellscape”, has also cautioned against the risk of “sports washing” as a result of the Games.




Life or Death 
Voltairine de Cleyre 
Philadelphia, May 1892
A soul half through the Gate, said unto Life:
“What does thou offer me? And Life replied:
“Sorrow, unceasing struggle, disappointment,
after these
Darkness and Silence.” The Soul said unto Death:
“What does thou offer me?” And Death replied:
‘In the beginning what Life gives at last “
Turning to Life: “And if I live and struggle?”
“Others shall live and struggle after thee 
Counting it easier where thou hast passed.”
“And by their struggles?” “Easier place shall be 
For others; still to rise to keener pain
Of conquering Agony!” “And what have I 
To do with all these others? Who are they?”
“Yourself!” “And all who went before?” “Yourself.”
“The darkness and the silence; too, have end?”
“They end in light and sound; peace ends in pain,
Death ends in Me, and thou must glide from 
To Self, as light to shade and shade to light again. 
“Choose!” The Soul, sighing, answered, “I will live.” 


” … ‘Not Seeing’ …”. Photo: M. Cynog Evans.
House-builder, I have seen you:
You shall not build a house again.
All your rafters are broken:
Your ridge-pole is destroyed.
The mind, freed from conditioned things, 
Has reached the end of its cravings.
— Gautama Buddha (d. circa 440 – 370 BCE)



Wu Bin, Azure Cliff with Red Maples – folding fan mounted as an album leaf – 1603. Ink and colour on paper. The Met Museum, New York.

Curatorial Record:

A solitary figure with a walking staff stands atop a low cliff contemplating a mountain vista.  This scene of human encounter with nature is accompanied by a verse by the celebrated Tang-dynasty poet Du Fu (710–770), inscribed by the painter:

The azure cliff catches the breeze, a lone cloud thin, 

Red maples, their backs to the sun, ten thousand trees dense.







Goals and Methods 目標和方法

Posted February 4, 2022



Another Beijing Olympics with human rights still a major issue 

JAPAN TODAY, Tokyo, 3 February 2022 

BEIJING—Beijing was awarded the 2000 Summer Olympics largely under the assumption that the Games would improve civil liberties in the country.

There is no such talk now. The Olympics open Friday [3 February] under heavy security and warnings from officials that the athletes or others could face legal action if they speak out on human rights or other touchy issues.

The Games are a reminder of both China’s rise and its disregard for civil liberties, which has prompted a diplomatic boycott led by the United States.


Much as the world would like the Olympics to be devoid of politics, as George Orwell once wrote: ‘Sport is war minus the shooting.’





Seaward From The Shore 
There (when) (if?) not now needed
       to be (become?) (where?) as if
       … and then as if not (so?) seen
       … these rapid applications 
       apply: turn/reveal/resound 

